Valentin Maestracci (Université Aix-Marseille), The Lambda Calculus can be Quantified
In this paper we introduce several quantitative methods for the lambda-calculus based on partial metrics, a well-studied variant of standard metric spaces that have been used to metrize non-Hausdorff topologies, like those arising from Scott domains. First, we study quantitative variants, based on program distances, of sensible equational theories for the λ-calculus, like those arising from Böhm trees and from the contextual preorder. Then, we introduce applicative distances capturing higher-order Scott topologies, including reflexive objects like the D∞ model. Finally, we provide a quantitative insight on the well-known connection between the Böhm tree of a λ-term and its Taylor expansion, by showing that the latter can be presented as an isometric transformation.