Séminaire en ligne, 25 février 2021

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10h: accueil et problèmes de connexion 10h15: début de l'exposé 11h15: questions et discussion 12h: adieu et problèmes de déconnexion Merci aux auditeurs de couper micro et caméra (sauf éventuellement, lorsqu'ils souhaitent poser une question). Les questions peuvent aussi être posées dans la fenêtre de chat.

En cas de problème ou de question, écrire à chocola-gestion chez ens-lyon.fr.


10:00 – 12:00
Zeinab Galal (IRIF, Univ. Paris Diderot)

In this talk, I will present a new stable model of classical linear logic based on groupoids and profunctors between them. It can be seen as a refinement of the model of generalized species of structures introduced by Fiore et al. This refinement is based on an orthogonality on subgroups of endomorphisms for each object in a groupoid and it can also be translated to an orthogonality on the category of presheaves associated with a groupoid. The resulting bicategory is a model of differential linear logic where the functors in the cartesian closed Kleisli bicategory are precisely those satisfying a stability condition as studied by Berry, Girard, Taylor and many others. This is joint work with Marcelo Fiore and Hugo Paquet.