Séminaire en ligne, 6 mai 2021

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10h: accueil et problèmes de connexion 10h15: début de l'exposé 11h15: questions et discussion 12h: adieu et problèmes de déconnexion Merci aux auditeurs de couper micro et caméra (sauf éventuellement, lorsqu'ils souhaitent poser une question). Les questions peuvent aussi être posées dans la fenêtre de chat.

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10:00 – 12:00
Barbara König (Universität Duisburg-Essen)

Knaster-Tarski's theorem, characterising the greatest fixpoint of a monotone function over a complete lattice as the largest post-fixpoint, naturally leads to the so-called coinduction proof principle for showing that some element is below the greatest fixpoint (e.g., for providing bisimilarity witnesses). The dual principle, used for showing that an element is above the least fixpoint, is related to inductive invariants. This talks considers proof rules which are similar in spirit but for showing that an element is above the greatest fixpoint or, dually, below the least fixpoint.

The theory is developed for non-expansive monotone functions on suitable lattices of the form M^Y, where Y is a finite set and M an MV-algebra, and it is based on the construction of (finitary) approximations of the original functions. We show that our theory applies to a wide range of examples, including termination probabilities, behavioural distances for probabilistic automata and bisimilarity. Moreover it allows us to determine original algorithms for solving simple stochastic games.